Orthodontics for children or interceptive orthodontics can be practised on children aged 4-5, but it is usually started at the age of 7-8. Its purpose is to intercept malocclusions during a phase in which children display strong growth potential, thus correcting not only dental problems but also bone growth problems. In this way, when the child reaches the age of 12, the bone bases are in the correct position and orthodontic treatments can be completed with less effort and discomfort.
In our practices of Turin and Neive, children’s orthodontics also means functional re-education, since malocclusions depend both on genetic, hereditary characteristics and on functional factors. Many children exhibit an atypical swallowing pattern involving tongue protrusion or they breathe through their mouth while their tongue lies low.
Children’s breathing is very important, as incorrect breathing leads the upper airways and the facial skeleton to adapt to a non-physiological position, with an open bite and anteriorisation of the head. Therefore, this is not only a dental problem (open bite), but it also affects posture. An individual swallows on average 1,500-1,800 times a day and the incorrect movement of the tongue and of its related muscles causes abnormal development of the lower and upper jaw.
Hence, interceptive orthodontics makes it possible to correct malocclusions as well as these altered functions, thanks to the support of speech therapy and, if needed, of physiotherapy.
Our team of experts includes not only Doctors Tommaso Castroflorio and Katia Icardi, specialised in orthodontics, but also:
Alina Piladieri, speech therapists
Mauro Banfi, physiotherapist and osteopath
In our practices you will also find the EF ORTHOPLUS devices, which are Orthodontic Functional Education devices based on efficiency-proven techniques.
The EF ORTHOPLUS functional devices exert the following actions:
• tongue repositioning
• lip re-training
• mandibular growth release
• dental alignment.
The EF devices are equipped with drop-shaped lip bumpers having a double effect on the lower lip:
• muscular stretching effect in case of hyper tonicity of the lip, thus limiting tongue interposition
• muscular stimulation in case of hypo tonicity of the lip. The drop-shaped parts stimulate the lips.
Moreover, the devices are equipped with a thicker area between the teeth, which has a beneficial effect on the growing temporomandibular joint and helps release mandibular growth.
Another advantage is represented by the presence of vestibular shields which reduce muscle pressure on the teeth and help natural tooth positioning without constraints or the use of screws.
The last key advantage of these devices is the presence of a tongue ramp. All the EF ORTHOPLUS devices feature a tongue ramp, which helps the correct positioning of the tongue against the palate while swallowing. This passive re-education of the patient contributes to the transversal development of the palate.
The devices allow children great freedom since they are to be worn for around 3 hours during daytime as well as overnight.