A Key Role in the Future of Orthodontics with Invisalign
Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio has been invited to the **EMEA Advisory Board** of **Align Technology**, a crucial platform for the future of orthodontics with Invisalign. ...
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Maxillary Expansion in Children: Considerations and Potential Effects of Orthodontics with Invisalign Aligners
In the field of pediatric orthodontics, a topic of great interest is the possibility of influencing the transverse growth of the upper jaw in young children, up ...
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Dummy: Baby's Ally? Everything parents need to know!
A very influential study conducted by a team led by David Rice in Finland has just been published in the European Journal of Orthodontics, a leading journal in the ...
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Un altro falso mito: alla mia età è tardi per allineare i denti con Invisalign
This is another common myth that can lead many people not to undergo the dental procedures they need. Many people believe that if they have misaligned teeth, it ...
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Dr Tommaso Castroflorio in the Angle Society
At the recent meeting of the Angle Society, North Atlantic Component, held in Quebec City, Canada, April 4-6, Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio was named an active member ...
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Dr. Castroflorio in an international selection of expert orthodontists
The importance of the orthodontic team and patient collaboration is critical to achieving smiles envied by the world. Effective orthodontic treatment requires a ...
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Mamma che denti!
Non é mai troppo presto per iniziare a prendersi cura dei denti. Mantenere i denti dei bambini in buone condizioni è fondamentale per lo sviluppo di ...
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A Winning Collaboration: Dr. Castroflorio and Dr. Garino with Invisalign Technicians for an Advanced Case Design Course
In the photo, Dr. Castroflorio and Dr. Garino are pictured with Invisalign technicians after conducting an intensive course to help orthodontists better design ...
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FACEXP Course on clear aligners, May 20, 2024
In the photo, Dr. Castroflorio, Dr. Cocconi, and Dr. Garino celebrate the conclusion of a training course that brought together orthodontists from around the world. ...
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Hungarian Orthodontic Society, Budapest May 2024
We are thrilled to share the success of Dr. Castroflorio at the Hungarian Orthodontic Society Congress! His presentation on the science and clinical applications ...
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Aligner orthodontics: from Torino to the world!
The Fifth Congress of the European Aligner Society was held in Valencia from February 28 to March 2, 2024. Dr. Castroflorio gave a presentation on the biomechanics ...
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Polish orthodontic Society, Warsaw, November 2023
Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio gave a one-day course during the meeting organized in Warsaw by the Polish Orthodontic Society. The course presented to Polish orthodontist ...
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Dr. Castroflorio speaker at the XXIX Congress of the Portuguese Society of Orthodontics.
Dr. Castroflorio was a keynote speaker at the Portuguese Society of Orthodontics Congress held in Lisbon October 26-28, 2023. Dr. Castroflorio gave a 4-hour pre-congress ...
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54th International Congress of the Italian Society of Orthodontics (SIDO): Dr. Castroflorio was one of the speakers
Dr. Castroflorio was one of the speakers at the 54th International Congress of the Italian Society of Orthodontics (SIDO), held in Rome Oct. 12-14. The Congress ...
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Il Dott Castroflorio presidente del Congresso dell'European Aligner Society
Il IV Congresso dell'European Aligner society si è tenuto a Torino dall'11 al 13 maggio. Oltre 1000 dentisti e ortodontisti da oltre 60 paesi si sono riuniti ...
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A quale età è consigliabile portare il bambino dall'ortodontista?
Se si desidera migliorare l'aspetto e la sensazione del proprio sorriso, qualsiasi età può essere ideale per rivolgersi a un ortodontista. Tuttavia, ...
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Quando rivolgersi a un ortodontista
Quando rivolgersi a un ortodontista Non si è mai troppo giovani o troppo vecchi per correggere il morso o il sorriso. L'Associazione Americana di Ortodonzia ...
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Sopravvivere alla prima settimana con gli allineatori Invisalign
Congratulazioni per aver iniziato il vostro trattamento ortodontico con un set di allineatori Invisalign! Sappiamo che ci sono volute molte ricerche, un'attenta ...
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Come sopravvivere alla prima settimana con l'apparecchio fisso: 5 consigli facili e veloci
Come sopravvivere alla prima settimana con l'apparecchio fisso: 5 consigli semplici e veloci L'applicazione di un apparecchio ortodontico può essere un momento ...
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dr. Tommaso Castroflorio is the president of the European Aligner Society
Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio is the European Aligner Society president for the years 2022/2023. Find attached the released intervirew for Dental Tribune International
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Dr Castroflorio Interview
On Dental Tribune International dr Castroflorio's interview Dr Tommaso Castroflorio is the president and director of education of the European Aligner Society (EAS). ...
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European Aligner Society Summer Meeting in Porto
Dr. Castroflorio is the president of the European Aligner Society for the biennium 2022/2023 This year's summer meeting was held in Porto on July 1-2 with a live ...
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Madrid_68 Congress of the Spanish Society of orthodontics (SEDO)
On June 23-25, the 68th Congress of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics was held in Madrid. Dr. Castroflorio was one of the Keynote speakers in the session dedicated ...
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Budapest_ Congress of the Hungarian Society of Orthodontics and DentoFacial Orthopedics
The Congress of the Hungarian Society of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics was held in Budapest between the 9 and 11 of June. Dr Castroflorio was one of the ...
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São Paulo_Brasil_International Day 3 June 2022
Dr. Castroflorio was the guest speaker for the International Day Course in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The talk given via videoconference focused on the clinical applications ...
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Orthodontics and Periodontology at the Italian Society of Orthodontics Congress
Dr Castroflorio was one of the keynote speakers of the courses held during the International Congress of the Italian Society of Orthodontics in Florence. The topic ...
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...when you say "expert"
Dr. Castroflorio has been judged by Expertscape, an independent U.S. agency, as one of the world's leading experts in orthodontics with removable appliances (aligners ...
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A book about clear aligners!
Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment describes how to use and adjust the materials involved in tooth alignment and dr Castroflorio is one of the editors. ...
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Congress of the Singapore Society of Orthodontics
Dr Castroflorio was one of the keynote speakers of the Association of Orthodontists of Singapore Congress, with a lecture focused on research and clinics of aligner ...
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Great Wall International Symposium 2020
Dr. Castroflorio was one of the keynote speakers of the Great Wall international Symposium 2020, with more than 2000 chinese orthodontists attending the event. the ...
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The first Virtual Conference in Aligner Orthodontics
Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio, dr Sandra Tai and dr Barry Glaser were the speakers of the first virtual conference in Invisalign orthodontics. More than 300 orthodontists ...
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Invisalign scientific Symposium with dr Tommaso Castroflorio
It was a privilege and a big honor to have dr Tommaso Castroflorio among the Keynote speakers of the first Digital Invisalig Scientific Symposium. More than 1000 ...
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Given the outbreak of COVID-19, your orthodontist may have made the difficult, but important, decision to postpone any non-emergent appointments. You can be assured that this decision was not made lightly but was made to protect patients, staff and families. Given the closure, you may have a few questions. Will this delay my treatment? We know ...
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Digital Orthodontic Symposium in Taiwan
From 10 to 12 of April 2020 the Internasional Symposium on Digital Orthodontics will be held in taiwan. In a fast changing world is important to move at high speed ...
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Torino, Auditorium del Lingotto 8 November 2019
It was an amazing emotion having the opportunity of presenting my clinical and research experience in the filed of Invisalign treatment in growing patients. In my ...
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50th International Congress
it was a pleasure and a big honor lecturing in a Congress with more than 2300 delegates about open bite treatment with Invisalign aligners!
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Atene 14-15 settembre 2019, Invisalign nelle malocclusioni dI Classe II
il Dott. Castroflorio è stato uno dei keynote speakers delle due giornate del Congresso, con una relazione tenuta sabato 14 settembre sul trattamento dei ...
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il Dott Castroflorio nel gruppo Invisalign Global Top Providers
Il dott. Castroflorio è stato annoverato tra i 300 top providers di Invisalign a livello mondiale! L'ortodonzia con allineatori è estremamente confortevole ...
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V Orthodontic International Symposium
Dr Castroflorio will be one of the keynote speakers of the International symposium organized by dr Abaladejo, Orthodontics professor at the University of Salamanca, ...
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International Orthodontic Symposium in Taiwan
Dr Castroflorio was the keynote speaker of the Taiwanese Academy of Aligner Orthodontics International Symposium held in Taipei the last 15 and 16 september. The ...
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Courses and conferences of dr Castroflorio between march and may 2016
A lot of orthodontic events were held accorss Europe between march and may 2016. Dr Castroflorio was invited for several lectures. From Milan and Athens in march, ...
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2nd Congress of the European Aligner Society: Venezia 16-18 febbraio 2018
The second Congress of the European Aligner Society was held in the most beautyful city on the planet Earth, Venezias. Dr Castroflorio was the Scientific Chairman ...
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....And in return we just need a smile
At the second EAS Congress, EAS President Dr Francesco Garino, immediate past President Dr Graham Gardner and EAS Scientific Chairman Dr Tommaso Castroflorio took ...
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Il dr Castroflorio speaker dell'Invisalign EMEA summit 2017
Nell'oasi di Dubai si è tenuto il più importante Congresso Invisalign degli ultimi 2 anni. Il dott Castroflorio è stato uno dei Keynote Speakers ...
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Invisalign e Acceledent: trattamento ortodontico facilitato e indolore
Il dr Castroflorio è stato uno dei Keynote speakers dell'evento 2017 dell'European Aligner Society. AlignerLab si è tenuto a Vienna lo scorso 18 febbraio ...
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Invisalign: dr Castroflorio at the Congress of the Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics
Dr Castroflorio was one of the Keynote speakers of the 3rd Congress of the Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics, held in tokyo the 2nd and 3rd december 2016. Dr ...
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Congress of the German Society of Aligner Orthodontics
dr Castroflorio was one of the keynote speakers of the 4th Congress of the German Society of Aligner Orthodontics (DGAO) held in Koln the 18th and 19th of November. ...
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Quanto costa Invisalign?
Il costo di una terapia Invisalign dipende dalla complessità del caso, non dall’apparecchio impiegato, e questo vale per i pazienti di ogni età. ...
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4 milioni di pazienti
Sicuro che non funzioni anche per te? Scopri di più nella sezione invisalign del sito. ...
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EUMAA Master Europeo di Ortodonzia Invisibile
il 10 e 11 giugno è cominciata la prima edizione del Master Europeo di Ortodonzia Invisibile con il Dott. Tommaso Castroflorio e il Dott. Francesco Garino ...
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Protagonisti al Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino
Sabato 14 maggio durante il Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino, è stata presentata da TurnKey l'iniziativa IdentiKids, nata con lo scopo di migliorare ...
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Apparecchio Invisibile Invisalign: approfitta dei nostri Open Day
Se vuoi raddrizzare i tuoi denti, ma non ti piace l'apparecchio tradizionale, l'ortodonzia invisibile Invisalign è la soluzione ideale. Il trattamento si ...
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13, 14 febbraio: I Congresso EAS, Vienna
Il dott. Castroflorio è socio fondatore e membro del Board direttivo dell'European Aligner Society (EAS). Quest'anno nella splendida cornice di Vienna, si ...
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iTero Intra Oral Scanner
Fortunately, traditional dental impressions are no longer the only option! Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology available at our practice, impressions will ...
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Apparecchio invisibile Invisalign
Invisalign è un apparecchio trasparente, praticamente invisibile. I nostri studi di Torino e di Neive sono certificati per la tecnica Invisalign dal 2002. ...
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More efficient orthodontics with Acceledent
AcceleDent® Aura is a simple-to-use, hands-free device designed for faster orthodontic treatment with only 20 minutes daily use. It is a FDA-cleared, Class II ...
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Italian Society of Orthodontics: 45th International Congress, 9-11 October 2014
On friday 10th of october, Dr. Castroflorio held a 3d lecture (first time in SIDO history) focused on the role of the orthodontist in the treatment of TMDs. ...
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Tutto sul bruxismo!
Tutto quello che un odontoiatra deve sapere per diagnosticare e trattare i pazienti bruxisti
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Invisalign Master Course University of Varese
The first University Master Course about the Invisalign technique started in Varese! This university activity was carachterized by a great participation: more than ...
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Società italiana di Tecnica Bidimensionale
The evolution of orthodontics passes through the application of new technologies, such as CAD - CAM treatment planning: the theme of the congress was just that and ...
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Dr. Castroflorio lecturer of the Orthodontics Masterclass of the Orthodontics School of Turin
13 -14 June 2014: Dr. Castroflorio was lecturer of the Master in Clinical Orthodontics of the Orthodontics School of the University of Turin. The orthodontic ...
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German Society of Aligners Orthodontics
On 21 and 22 November the 3rd Congress of the German Society of Aligners Orthodontics was held in Cologne . Dr. Castroflorio gave a lecture about Class II malocclusions ...
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Invisalign Italian Symposium
Dr. castroflorio was one of the 7 speakers of the day. He held a lecture presenting the biological and biomechanical bases of the orthodontic movement with the invisible ...
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2014 Align Tech. European Advisory Board
For the third consecutive year, dr . Castroflorio was invited by Align Technology Inc,the manufacturer of Invisalign ( invisible braces )to the meeting in which ...
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Invisalign Certification Course in Florence: 4th july 2014
Friday, July 4th, in the beautiful Florence, Dr. Castroflorio held a certification course for dentists and orthodontists about Invisalign orthodontics. The technique ...
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London calling
On June 27, Dr. Castroflorio was invited by dr. Raman Aulakh to the Dental Education Center at King's College London for a theoretical and practical course about ...
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Invisalign Platinum Provider
Anche per quest'anno lo Studio associato Icardi Castroflorio Odontoiatri mantiene lo status di Platinum Invisalign Provider a conferma dell'eccellenza raggiunta ...
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Dr. Castroflorio lecturer of the Orthodontics Masterclass of the Orthodontics School of Naples
June 6 to 7 and 8 to 9 May 2014: these dates Dr. Castroflorio was lecturer of the Master of the Orthodontics School of the Second University of Naples. He was invited ...
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Corso di Parodontologia con il Prof. Zucchelli
Il 15 e 16 aprile lo Studio Associato Icardi Castroflorio è stato sede della sessione pratica del corso di parodontologia del Prof. Zucchelli dell'Università ...
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Corsi di certificazione Invisalign
Il dott. Castroflorio è stato il docente dei corsi di formazione Invisalign tenuti a Roma il 21 marzo e a Torino il 4 aprile. I corsi, cui hanno partecipato ...
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Laser in dentistry
What seemed unimaginable until a few years ago is now included in the range of possible dental therapies based on the use of laser. These range from treating periodontitis ...
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Invisalign Certification Course held by Doctor Castroflorio, Rome, 21st March 2014
Doctor Tommaso Castroflorio was the teacher of the Invisalign certification course held in Rome on 21st March 2014. The course focused on the diagnostic and therapeutic ...
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2014: Anno dedicato alla lotta al dolore orofacciale
il 2014 è l'anno dedicato dall'International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) alla lotta al dolore orofacciale.Lo Studio Associato Icardi Castroflorio ...
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A bocca aperta con allegria
Sono arrivati in studio i nuovi amici dei nostri piccoli pazienti! Coccidentina, Ortopinna, Dentina Rosina e Bombo Smile vi aspettano. I vostri figli hanno bisogno ...
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Ridere non è uno scherzo! Avere un sorriso sano vuol dire avere una bocca (denti, ossa, tessuti e articolazioni) funzionante (per masticare bene, per respirare ...
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Incontro Europeo degli speaker Invisalign 2013
Nella splendida Parigi, nelle date del 1-2 dicembre, si è tenuto il meeting europeo 2013 degli speaker Invisalign, ovvero dei dottori che rappresentano l'eccellenza ...
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Corso di certificazione Invisalign, Roma 29 novembre 2013
Oggi, 29 novembre 2013, presso l'hotel NH Villa Carpegna in Roma, il dott. Tommaso Castroflorio ha tenuto un corso di certificazione alla tecnica Invisalign per ...
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Il 15 e 22 novembre il Dott. Castroflorio ha tenuto due corsi, della durata di una giornata ciascuno a Milano, sull'ortodonzia di casi complessi con Invisalign e ...
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Il prossimo mese di ottobre si svolgerà un importante evento formativo per i dentisti e gli ortodontisti europei che usano Invisalign: uno study club in Costa ...
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Avere un bel sorriso e denti allineati fa bene al corpo e allo spirito. Dalla salute dei tuoi denti dipendono infatti anche la salute più in generale del ...
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Durante il congresso della Società Europea di Ortodonzia (EOS), congresso al quale parteciperanno circa 3000 ortodontisti da tutta Europa, il Dott Castroflorio ...
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VII Congresso SIDA
Venerdi 7 giugno il dott. Castroflorio ha tenuto una conferenza sulla relazione tra bruxismo, cefalea e apnea in occasione del VII Congresso della Società ...
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European Summit 2013 Invisalign
Nella splendida cornice dell'hotel Hilton dei Cavalieri di Roma, si è tenuto dal 23 al 26 maggio, l'European Summit Invisalign 2013. Si tratta di un evento ...
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Le infiammazioni da apnea
Il trattamento standard per l'apnea notturna grave prevede l'uso di una maschera per la notte che immette una pressione positiva continua nelle vie aeree (Cpap). ...
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Venerdi 24 maggio il dott. Castroflorio terrà una relazione all'European Summit Invisalign 2013 che si terrà a Roma. La relazione si intitola: The ...
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Sabato 18 maggio, nella prestigiosa cornice del Westin Palace di Milano, il dott. Castroflorio terrà una lezione al master Invisalign, dal titolo: la biomeccanica ...
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Le apnee notturne
Il nostro piccolo ha il sonno molto agitato, fatica ad addormentarsi e, quando finalmente riesce a farlo, dorme male, spesso russa, si dimena cambiando ...
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Mamma che denti... 2!
Quando devo portare il mio bambino dal dentista per la prima visita? I genitori dovrebbero portare il bambino dal dentista per una prima visita dopo l'anno di età, ...
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EUMAA Master Europeo di Ortodonzia Invisibile
il 10 e 11 giugno è cominciata la prima edizione del Master Europeo di Ortodonzia Invisibile con il Dott. Tommaso Castroflorio e il Dott. Francesco Garino ...
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