Alberto Diaspro

Alberto Diaspro graduated in Medicine and Surgery with honours at the University of Turin in 2002, and obtained a Specialisation Diploma in Maxillofacial Surgery (with honours) from the School of Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery of the same university in 2007.

He is a member of the Medical Association of Turin (registration no. 19881)

He is also a member of the European Association for Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMFS), of the Italian Society for Maxillofacial Surgery (SICMF), and of the International Team for Implantology (ITI).

He is the co-author of several articles published in international journals and of the chapters on pre-implant surgery of the volume “Approccio biologico al trattamento del paziente edentulo”, Quintessenza (ed.).

Since 2009 he has been holding a certification course onBisphosphonates and patients in dental practices: an approach based on evidence”.

He works as a freelance maxillofacial surgery consultant focusing specifically on oral and pre-implant reconstructive surgery and implantology.


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